CEO | Best-selling Author | Speaker | Dad | Podcast Host

Damon In the Media

  • Fast Company

    A Step-By-Step Guide For How To Beat Imposter Syndrome Once And For All

  • Fast Company

    Many Executives Lack The Most Important Leadership Trait. Here’s How To Develop It Yourself

  • Forbes

    Learn-It-All or Know-It-All: Which Do You Want To Be?

  • Forbes

    Fear and Imposter Syndrome: How Professionals Can Overcome Self-Doubt and Anxiety

  • Forbes

    How To Make Community-Based Learning A Crucial Component Of Your Learning And Development Program

  • Forbes

    Building Your Dream Team By Focusing On Untapped Ability Over Experience

  • Forbes

    How to Transform Your Organization Into A ‘Learning Factory’

  • Chief Executive

    The Trust Tax — And Why You Should Willingly Pay It

  • Chief Executive

    Leadership-Level Listening: The Quiet Superpower

  • ATD

    Curious About Employee Engagement? The Answer Is In Your Question

  • Smart Brief

    The Genius Of Confident Vulnerability

  • Sales & Marketing Management

    The Story of Your Secret Superpower